A QR-code generated by processing
Here is a QR-code generated by processing (www.processing.org). The pointed website concerns the exhibition “Mass Places”, an exhibition of my paintings (and photos of Alban Lecuyer) inspired by satellite photos, hence the architectural treatment.
The program analyzes the bitmap image of the QR-code and, depending on the color of the pixel and its neighbors, deduces the piece of pdf that must be placed for each pixel.
Each part of the graphics for the different cases has been drawn beforehand, and the program places them automatically. I do not consider here all cases because there would be 2^9 = 512 cases.
The result is vector image and was designed to be printed on A3 paper and detectable by the “barcodes” app on iphone.
I pushed the limits a bit far and some applications do not recognize the QRcode.