A few years ago, I was interested in typography and learned the book “Designing Type“ of Karen Cheng.
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A few years ago, I was interested in typography and learned the book “Designing Type“ of Karen Cheng.
Continue reading...For a workshop "art créatif" at Stereolux (Nantes), I organized with Bérenger Recoules, a specific "processing and typo" experience. I, then, experimented an idea I had a long time ago, about some graphic virus that would attack fonts.
Continue reading...A few years ago, I had the chance to be entrusted with the graphic design of posters and t-shirts for our laboratory’s science fair.
I show a few of these graphic designs below.
Continue reading...A small font, with a limited usage...
Continue reading...A poster for the SFC 2015 conference of the “Société de Classification Française”. The graphics are based on a project (the Créatures project with Charlotte Truchet and Bérenger Recoules) mixing graphics, sound design and genetics () never exhibited.
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