Some greeting cards made according to the inspiration of the moment.
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Some greeting cards made according to the inspiration of the moment.
Continue reading...A small font, with a limited usage...
Continue reading...A few years ago, I had the chance to be entrusted with the graphic design of posters and t-shirts for our laboratory’s science fair.
I show a few of these graphic designs below.
Continue reading...For a workshop "art créatif" at Stereolux (Nantes), I organized with Bérenger Recoules, a specific "processing and typo" experience. I, then, experimented an idea I had a long time ago, about some graphic virus that would attack fonts.
Continue reading...A few years ago, I was interested in typography and learned the book “Designing Type“ of Karen Cheng.
Continue reading...A poster for the SFC 2015 conference of the “Société de Classification Française”. The graphics are based on a project (the Créatures project with Charlotte Truchet and Bérenger Recoules) mixing graphics, sound design and genetics () never exhibited.
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