Subjectivity, Q method and Qvisu

Subjectivity, Q method and Qvisu


A research project with (among athers) Claire Gauzente and Pascale Kuntz.

Our part of the project was about the analysis of the results of Q method tests.

A tool, named qVisu, has been devised and coded (thanks to Emmanuel Turbé), in java, on processing. It calls R and its package qmethod (from Aiora Zabala).

qVisu view

qVisu view

qVisu view

qVisu view

qVisu view

qVisu view

qVisu view

qVisu view

qVisu view

qVisu view

qSort tablet

A soft, running on tablets, which gives a digital support to Q method tests has been conceived. The user simply drag the assertions to do the sorting. Actually, this is performed through a two-phases process, a first allow to place in three zones. The second, starting from the previous sort allow for more categories.

Logs files are produced during the test and analysed to calculate statistical indicators. A specific analysis software goes along the sort application.

A replay of the test can be used to help the understanding of some results. Like any video playing software, the speed can be increased or decreased, time jumps are available.

qmethod replay